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The Play of Light

A beautiful, warm light pours into Verna Rose as the sun greets the coming day. Natural light in a home is not only uplifting and cheery, but it invites us to come and enjoy the different moods in each room created by the play of light.
The openness of Verna Rose allows the light to move through the living space. When the sun rays forth onto the sun porch, it continues to flow into the living room and highlights certain spots. Each time, new shapes and forms are created and when we take a moment to really look, we see the artful quality of this natural light, dancing through the house with such joy.
The east facing upstairs bedroom is in the gable dormer. Imagine waking up in a room that connects you with the rising sun and the energy of the day. This really helps set your mood in a positive direction each day. The small bedroom faces south and it too shares the warmth of the natural light. Verna Rose has plenty of character, but certainly the play of light adds to the special qualities of this home.